
PGC7 binds histone H3K9me2 to protect against conversion of 5mC to 5hmC in early embryos

PGC7 binds histone H3K9me2 to protect against conversion of 5mC to 5hmC in early embryos

Toshinobu Nakamura, Yu-Jung Liu, Hiroyuki Nakashima, Hiroki Umehara, Kimiko Inoue, Shogo Matoba,
Makoto Tachibana, Atsuo Ogura, Yoichi Shinkai & Toru Nakano

Nature. 2012 Jun 3;486(7403):415-9


5-Hydroxymethylcytosine in the mammalian zygote is linked with epigenetic reprogramming

On zygotic development, 5hmC accumulates in the paternal  pronucleus along with a 
reduction of 5mC.
 knockdown of Tet3 affects the patterns of 5hmC and 5mC in the paternal pronucleus.
 PGC7 protects the maternal genome against 5mC-hydroxylation

PGC7/Stella protects against DNA demethylation in early embryogenesis

PGC7/Stella protects the DNA methylation state of imprinted loci such as H19 and Rasgrf1 and maintains epigenetic asymmetry
