
Pluripotency Factors in Embryonic Stem Cells Regulate Differentiation into Germ Layers

Pluripotency Factors in Embryonic Stem Cells Regulate Differentiation into Germ Layers

Cell, Volume 145, Issue 6, 875-889, 10 June 2011

Matt Thomson, Siyuan John Liu, Ling-Nan Zou, Zack Smith,

Alexander Meissner, Sharad Ramanathan

How embryonic stem cells decide their fate is poorly understood.

Key Findings

  • Lineage-specific expression patterns identify factors governing germ layer fate choice

  • Dynamics of ESC pluripotency factors Oct4 and Sox2 predict and control cell fate choice

  • Altering Oct4 and Sox2 levels affects germ layer fate choice

  • Modeling reveals that pluripotency circuit can integrate signals to determine fate
