2009年2月 3日

K36、SIRT6とNFKB 、クロマチンコード

文献1 K36について

The H3K36 demethylase Jhdm1b/Kdm2b regulates cell proliferation and
senescence through p15(Ink4b).
He J, Kallin EM, Tsukada Y, Zhang Y.
Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2008 Nov;15(11):1169-75. Epub 2008 Oct 5.

文献2 SIRT6とNFKB  
Cell. 2009 Jan 9;136(1):19-21.
SIRT6 links histone H3 lysine 9 deacetylation to NF-kappaB-dependent gene expression and organismal life span.
Kawahara TL, Michishita E, Adler AS, Damian M, Berber E, Lin M, McCord RA, Ongaigui KC, Boxer LD,Chang HY, Chua KF.
Program in Epithelial Biology, Division of Endocrinology, Gerontology, and Metabolism, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA 94305, USA.
Members of the sirtuin (SIRT) family of NAD-dependent deacetylases promote longevity in multiple organisms. Deficiency of mammalian SIRT6 leads to shortened life span and an aging-like phenotype in mice, but the underlying molecular mechanisms are unclear. Here we show that SIRT6 functions at chromatin to attenuate NF-kappaB signaling. SIRT6 interacts with the NF-kappaB RELA subunit and deacetylates histone H3 lysine 9 (H3K9) at NF-kappaB target gene promoters. In SIRT6-deficient cells, hyperacetylation of H3K9 at these target promoters is associated with increased RELA promoter occupancy and enhanced NF-kappaB-dependent modulation of gene expression, apoptosis, and cellular senescence. Computational genomics analyses revealed increased activity of NF-kappaB-driven gene expression programs in multiple Sirt6-deficient tissues in vivo. Moreover, haploinsufficiency of RelA rescues the early lethality and degenerative syndrome of Sirt6-deficient mice. We propose that SIRT6 attenuates NF-kappaB signaling via H3K9 deacetylation at chromatin, and hyperactive NF-kappaB signaling may contribute to premature and normal aging.
文献3 クロマチンコード 
Cell, Volume 136, Issue 2, 200-206, 23 January 2009
Understanding the Words of Chromatin Regulation
Jiang I. Wu1,Julie Lessard1andGerald R. Crabtree1,,
1 Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Departments of Pathology and Developmental Biology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94062, US

Recent studies indicate that chromatin regulatory complexes produce biological specificity in the way that letters produce meanings by combinations into words. Combinatorial assembly of chromatin regulatory complexes may be critical for maximizing the information content provided by arrays of histone modifications.